Cleveland Clinic Health Risk Assessment

Pursuant Health

Project Overview

During my time at Pursuant Health, I was part of the team responsible for the Health Age assessment project, which aimed to develop a user-friendly assessment tool in collaboration with Cleveland Clinic Wellness experts. The tool measured weight, blood pressure, and lifestyle and behavioral factors to calculate a user's Health Age compared to their actual age, with an average completion time of 4-5 minutes on both kiosk and web platforms.

The project focused on providing users with personalized recommendations for improving their Health Age, while also identifying potential health risks based on their inputs and non-invasive biometric measurements. To ensure the project's success, we conducted a competitive analysis of existing industry health appraisals, quantitative surveys to gather basic demographic information and user preferences, and field contextual interviews and observations to better understand users' needs in the retail environment.

Health Age Assessment Displayed Next to Kiosk Illustration

Insights Summary

We conducted summative studies to measure task completion and efficiency, error collection, and usability through the System Usability Scale (SUS). Ultimately, the Health Age assessment project aimed to enhance users' health outcomes by offering personalized recommendations and an intuitive assessment tool.

  • Explanation of Cleveland Clinic: Users also needed more information on the Cleveland Clinic, and how it is associated with the Health Age assessment. By providing more context and information about the Cleveland Clinic, users can better understand the importance of the assessment and how it can benefit their overall health.
  • User confusion: Users were confused about hitting the "submit" button when none of the boxes were checked or when they wanted to select "none of these." We can improve the user experience by making it clear that hitting "none of these" is equivalent to not selecting any options.
  • Comparative results: Users wanted to see their Health Age results compared to a range of possible results, not just their own results alone. By providing a range of results, users can better understand where they stand and how they compare to others.
  • Clear Health Age results: Users found it difficult to understand their Health Age results. We can improve this by implementing an interactive bar graph that compares the Health Age to the Physical Age, and changes color when the Health Age surpasses the Physical Age.
  • Progress bar: Users requested a progress bar during the Health Assessment to better understand how much longer the assessment would take. This would improve the user experience and reduce frustration.
  • Purpose of Health Age: Users were unsure of the purpose of the Health Age assessment until it was explained how it tied into the Cleveland Clinic wellness programs. To improve user engagement, we can make the purpose of the assessment more apparent and highlight how it can benefit their health.

Design Implications

Overall, the summative studies were essential to understanding the Health Age assessment's strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities for improvement. The goal of the assessment was to enhance users' health outcomes by providing personalized recommendations and an intuitive assessment tool, and the summative studies helped us ensure that we achieved this goal.

  • Consider adding additional context and explanation: Based on the feedback received, it may be beneficial to consider adding more context or explanation throughout the assessment process to ensure that users understand the purpose and benefits of the assessment.
  • Clarify the "None of These" option: To prevent confusion and incorrect submissions, the design should make it clear that selecting "None of These" is the same as not selecting any option at all. This could be achieved through the use of clear language or visual cues.
  • Provide context for results: Showing users how their results compare to a range of possible results can help them understand their results in a broader context. This could be done through the use of a chart or other visual display.
  • Make Health Age results more clear: Users should be able to easily understand their Health Age results and how they compare to their actual age. An interactive bar graph that changes color when the Health Age surpasses the physical age could help users understand this more easily.
  • Implement a progress bar: Adding a progress bar to the Health Assessment can help users understand how much longer they have to go and reduce uncertainty or frustration.
  • Explanation of Cleveland Clinic: Users also needed more information on the Cleveland Clinic, and how it is associated with the Health Age assessment. By providing more context and information about the Cleveland Clinic, users can better understand the importance of the assessment and how it can benefit their overall health.

Overall, the summative studies were essential to understanding the Health Age assessment's strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities for improvement. The goal of the assessment was to enhance users' health outcomes by providing personalized recommendations and an intuitive assessment tool, and the summative studies helped us ensure that we achieved this goal.


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